Spiders in Space! – First Impressions

Thank you to Casey Donnellan and tinyBuild for the early access key!

The sequel to the hit 2020 title Kill It With Fire, just launched for early access this month with even more spider-smashing. Casey Donnellan’s promise of ‘The Exterminator’ returning is made true with familiar gameplay in unfamiliar locations. With a generous array of initial weapons, up to 4 different locations to explore, plenty of missions to complete, and even more to come in between now and 1.0 release – players are set to have a blast blowing away these tiny beasties.

Kill It With Fire 2 begins in a similar fashion to its predecessor. With a keen sense of Déjà vu; players awaken in their room – compelled to open drawers and inspect objects to discover several creepy crawlies hiding amongst them.

Only this time, it’s all a fake out, the aforementioned arachnids are only rough sketches doodled on sticky notes. Wandering close to the windows gives the player an uncanny glimpse into the immediate surroundings outside. There is also, of course, the brief, hellish vision in which the world is ablaze, and the player is swarmed with spiders.

Journey into the cosmos

Once through the tutorial, the story finally progresses as players find themselves leaving a model home, inside a furniture store, and once again being sucked up into a passing spaceship before the title card is revealed.

Instead of an episodic campaign design, players are beamed onto the HSF VINDICATOR. A spider-infested hub ship, equipped with its own AI and capable of creating portals to other dimensions. Kill It With Fire 2’s campaign mode feels more fluid than the rigid levels of the first game, having the freedom to enter and leave areas as the player pleases felt more engaging than splitting the game into several “stages”.

Outside of the hub ship, there are currently three distinct dimensions to visit throughout the campaign. Each featuring their own unique missions, weapon unlocks and themes. Dimensions have plenty to explore, with some great writing woven throughout each world. There was a genuine excitement in learning every secret in each stage, figuring out which systems in the game worked together to creatively solve whatever the game threw my way. This often involved using the tools of the trade that any exterminator should be privy to.

The sturdy, versatile clipboard makes a return as the player’s right-hand (heh) man – keeping track of all missions for the current area and doubling as a deadly, spider-stomping weapon. Most other weapons are discovered through exploration, being purchased with SPACEBUX, or as rewards for completing missions. From a simple pistol to Godzilla-esque laser breath, and a roll of newspaper – there is a satisfying variety of things to use against the spider scourge.

Most of the types of spiders that spawn in around the worlds of Kill It With Fire 2 have been seen before, except one notable exception. Morph Spiders can disguise themselves as any interactable item, making them perfect infiltrators. Rush to pick up a shiny new gun on a table? Think again. After a bit of a surprise and a short transformation animation, this large amalgamation of confetti in the shape of a spider will attack!

Play with up to 3 friends!

If solo spider-slaying isn’t your cup of tea, there is a Co-op mode allowing for up to 4 players at a time during the campaign! There is also a new PvP mode called Spider Hunt that pits players against each other in an intense game of hide and seek.
Exterminators are given three minutes to find and dispatch any players crawling around, finding weapons on the floor, and given a budget that depletes with every bullet fired.
Spiders are small and hard to hit with an ability to soar through the air using their lunge ability, they also have a web they can snare players in for a small disruption. However, they’re easily defeated and slower than the humans, making them easy targets if they’re caught while on cooldown.

Kill It With Fire 2 has ton going for it, the gameplay loop was already brilliantly crafted in the first game and the formula only seems to have been improved! The addition of multiplayer modes gives a level of replay-ability that wasn’t present before, and the fluid stage design works to keep the player engaged in campaign play. With further improvements and content being added to the game between now and release later this year – Kill It With Fire 2 is shaping up to be a blast for casual gamers!

You can check out Kill It With Fire 2 Early Access on Steam right now!
Alternatively, you can wait for full release when the game comes to PlayStation and Xbox

Website – https://www.killitwithfiregame.com/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/KIWF_Game
TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@killitwithfire_game

One response to “Spiders in Space! – First Impressions”

  1. amazing!


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